The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1956 Know Your Correspondents Mrs. Mangels, Brooklyn Native, Leverett Reporter The following is one of (L series of stories OH The Springfield Union's correspondents. Airs. Elizabeth Ritch Mangels has been The Springfield Union's correspondent in Leverett for the past three years. She was born ME HEART MANGELS in Brooklyn, N.

and has made her home in Leverett since Fobruary 1951. She 15 married to Henry Mangels also a former Brooklyn residon who is employed in the service department of the Nanonal Cash Register Co. in Thev have three children, James 10. Robert. seven, and Wendy.

four. She 15 clerk to the selectmen. A member of the Congregational a member of TELEVISION Saturday 4-WBZ-Boston Huber: chow 5. 7.00 Wonder Parada World Rock Carnival Korner 6.30 Life Pinky lee You Asked It 11.1 Fury 10 Surprise I'nele John Perry Conn Nous Brother Tov. Funny Theater People TV Matinee 10.: Hit Parade at.

Mat. 1 George Gobel Royal Play 11.1 MI Play Dan. Roy Rogers 11. Movie 6-WRGB-Schenectady 1 Test 00 Star 31r. Wizard 5.31 Van a You TeXAS Rangers 3 National Slidnight To Buffalo Bill.

Jr. 6.31 A :4 There Kartoon MA; 1. Sports opa Fury For And. '9 GAng P'errv Como Capt. Gallant Funny Pecula Bill Rock Durante 6 Top George Gobel lot Hit Parada 11 00 Called it! nchell Wrestling Walt Hart 12 Roto-Mazician 1'ro Basketball 10-WJAR-Providence 7 15 0 Re' 4 4P Mr.

Con Ail 3 Pen Ands' a 5. 01 Capt. Gallant 3 'hoice A Ethel, Mezzo 6 This Worid Death Valley :1 Perry 1: Te 0, Funny People US T.x. Theater 'tut Gobel Th World Parade Indu-'ry Ted Mack 3. 30-WKNB-New Britain 6 Birthday 1 6.

Range Rider Fur Kit 1 he 11 Sur: ('hoose res Perry tome Mr. Wizard 9.00 Funny l'e pla how TAT. Thea. Western George tonal Weather 11.0 Inner Sanctum Basketball Hit Ta Parade 5 Youth Parade 11.30 Follow Him 3 Film 1.10 Movie Sunday 4-WBZ-Boston Industry Liberava Your Trouble 3 Basketball Christophers Wide World Hr t'apt. Gallant 11 orld Belietg Playhou -P Youth Range Rider 11.0 D.

men: ons Frontier 1: S. It ('omedy Hour 3.041 Playhouse 1 Loretta Young 31 Masquerada Topper Press Father 3 la 11.30 Movie 6-WRGB-Schenectady Trot Pat en 1.00 TV' d- Wor'd. led Heart 4 lo'in Sitar Frontiers 6. Pie a 6.1 Vane The Life 6. Patti P'aze 1'ircuA Fashion4 30 Lone Ranger Comedy Hour Bill Hickok Industry Father Knows Frontier 1.00 Patrol GF.

Theater Burns- Silen I Love Lucy 2 Playhouse M. to Stan 11 TMI Loretta Young 321: 4 11.20 Meet Millie 3. Jack Benny 10-WJAR-Providence Ne 3 You Aaked It 0.13 Front Spot F'ress 4.13 This Life Ozzie- larriet Masquerade 10 running Frontier Sat: ri c'omedy Tour Mu-1P TI' Playhouse 1 'Toni' 10 Loretta Young Zoo P'arade 10.20 Three Lives vin 11.1 enc land 11.10 Wade World 30-WKNB-New Britain 10.00 Christ An Sc. 1.00 Wide World 101.1.7 Industry 3.30 FAmOuS Play Rig H. ('ily A.300 Roy Rogers 11.

Seria: tireat Life 12. Western 7.30 Frontier Forum 8 or c'omedy Hour Faith Front TY Play Heart Show 10.11 Orpita Tounz This Lite 3. Dr. Spock 11.00 Cone. Dodd 7.00 Parada 11.15 Movie DELICIOUS FOR TRUE BEEF FLAVOR Add 2 OXO cubes to can of soup, plus 2 cups water, to, double your servings, improve flavor, and save MIDDLEFIELD Twins Among Sheep Produced Leap Year Crop Middlefield.

March 2 Although no new I.cap Year babies were born to Middlefield parents on Feb. 29. the four-footed farm animals At Dunmilkin Farm 1'e- fused to allow the figure to stand at zero. Russ Ferris flock of sheep which number 42 animals produced three pairs of wins and three single lambs during the 24 hour period which ineluded leap Year Day: Since Feb. 8.

the flock has produced 33 lambs. including 13 sets of twins, bringing his flock to 73 at the present. Russ does not know whether to attribute the large majority of twins to its being Leap Year, or to the fact mother sheep have had better feed. Two-thirds of the lambs have been bucks. also.

which is contrary to Leap Year idea, and is just the opposite of last year's trend in his flock. Mr. Ferris. A native son of Middlefield is carrying on the tradition of sheep raising which was characteristic of the carly 1800's. According to the history of Middlefield, farmers in the town had 9678 sheep in 1836.

Mr. Ferris, who also has tried beef raising. thinks the sheep business more profitable. For years he was a dairy farmer in Wwben before returning to to make his home. March of a regional planning committee on the proposed dam project held A meeting Thursday evening in the office of Lewis W.

Kendricks, general representative the Division of Development of the Department of Commerce. Those attending were Dr. A. A. Starbuck.

chairman. Mrs. John H. Hartley. secretary.

both of Middlefield. I. N. Mason and Warren B. McGranahan of Blandford.

Mrs. Peier U. Tuttle of Worthington. Norman Pothier, senior civil engineer of the Division of Planning of the Department of Commerce, discussed with the group the proposed planning for Middlefield. Peru.

Worthington and Chesterfield. Another meeting will be held in the near future. Miss Rebecca Dea, associate club agent for Hampshire County. visited the Pins and Needles 4-H Club today at Center School. The Pilgrim Fellowship will meet Tuesday at 7.30 in Town Hall.

CHESTER Red Cross Goal Is Set at $450 Chester. March Chester's quota in the Red Cross Fund campaign now underway is $450 and the committee is making a concerted effort to complete the drive by March 1.7. Residents throughout the valey had the opportunity to observe the Red Cross in action following the flood last August when a quarter of a million dollars was disbursed through the Westfield Chapter. of which Chester is Miss Louise Haley is local chairman. CHESTER NEWS BRIEFS Chester.

March 2-The basketball game scheduled last night between Chester nigh and Huntingion in the local gym postponed until Tuesday at T. EX-1 tensive repairs have been made on the gym floor after it was damaged in the flood last fall, and it was considered advisable 10 allow more time for the varnish to dry. Federal Lodge of Masons will meet Wednesday at 8 in Masonic Temple. Degrees will be conferred. Mrs.

Richard Bevan of School St. entertained the Late Eight Bridge Club Thursday evening. Honors went 10 Mrs. John E. Jacobson, Mrs.

Francis Salvini and Mrs. Thomas Tracey. Mrs. Guy Carrington will entertain the club next. week.

HM3 Stephen Salvini of the Navy. who has been stationed at Chelsea Naval llospital, left this week for A two month cruise 10 Cuba 011 the carrier U. S. S. An- BLOOM'S our recent sell-out IMPORTED PHOTO ELECTRIC.

EXPOSURE METER We've a new shipment of these precision meters. Let us show you how to save film and save money with this With Leather Easy reading meter. case 888 reg. $12.95 ELECTRIC DESK VIEWER Regularly 6.50 this allfor 2 and metal viewer will show slides your slides in all their brilliant colors. See it only.

397 it at this bar. price. PHOTO SUPPLY. INC. 211 WORTHINGTON ST.

opposite LOEW'S POLL THEATRE New England's LARGEST Camera: Store 5 Floors of Photography Itietam where he is assigned the pharmacy. to formerly Charles of this 'Myers town, of has Gardner, bought the barbershop business of DeSerres 011 Main St. le to take over April 1. Mr. Myers, a veteran of the he Air Corps, is a graduate of the Boston School of Barbering and has been apprenrice barber in Gardner tor the past 18 months.

His w'ile and daughter, Deborah, will join him here. SOUTHWICK Police Association Ball to Be April 6 Southwick, March 2 The Southwick Police Association announce Its second annual ball will be April 6th At the Junior High School. There will be an entertainment featuring local talent and dancing to the music of Dick Hamilton's Band of Westfield. featured will bc Miss Jessie Rivers, vocalist with Hamilton's Band, who was formerly vocalist on the TV show "Mostly Frank Zomek is in charge of publicity. Mrs.

George Root, chairman of the Heart Fund drive, announces $371.32 has been received to dale, with a few more captains stili to report. This is. a big increase over the sum collected locally last year. GRANVILLE Two Contests Monday Granville, March 2- The annual town meeting and election will be Monday. with polls open from 10 A.

to D. 11. Candidates in the contest for selectman are George W'oodger and Nels H. Olsen: constable pOst for two will be contested by Stanley Beckwith for re-election. A Fred Parker ani Henry Ledger.

Action on 28 articles in the town warrant will begin at p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Porter Frisbie will take charge of the Grange public card party in Town Hall Saturday at 8.

Federated Church Sunday services will include: church school at 9.15: worship at 10.30, with observance of communion, and special installation service of the new deacons, Arthur Frellick and Harold Chapman: young people': session al 7.13 p. 111. with Rev. Jack Rumohr, graduate of Andover Newton Theological School, as speaker. The selectmen announce the receiving by the town of a check from the Army Corps of Engineers A.

100 per cent reinbursem*nt for the clearing of Peebles Brook channel. The local PTA will sponsor a foul sale at Town Hall, Monday, from 10 a. m. to p. rangements being in charge nor Airs.

Morten Richard Kane. Nadeau. assisted Mrs. by George W'oodger. Drs.

Harrison King. Mrs. Ruthven Daniels, Mrs. Donald Blakesley. Sunspots are scheduled for an l1-year peak In 1957-58.

says the National Geographic Society. WORTHINGTON BUYS TROUT Worthington. will March meet at 2-The the fire Rod station Monday at 8. Movies will be shown and refreshments served by John Green, Henry Baldwin and Zack Donovan. 'The club has arranged for the purchase of 1000 six-inch trout to be placed in the Watts and Bronson Brooks.

A contribution of $3 each has been given to the Polio and Heart funds. Fund Drive Opens Worthington, March 2- The Red Cross fund drive opened here March 1 with a tea in the home of Mrs. Clarence Carey. Mrs. Robert J.

chairman of the drive named the following mince: Mrs. Raymond K. Dunlevy. Mrs. Ralph A.

Moran. Mrs. C. Kenneth Osgood. Mrs.

John N. Diamond, Mrs. Gorge I. Bartlett. Mr's.

Paul B. Fowler. Mrs. Peter 11. Tuttle.

Mrs. licien Bret2net. Mrs. Milton Parish, and Mrs. Frederick J.

Hillman. Lady Circuit Rider Rev. Leila W'. Anderson. a lady circuit rider on wheels.

will be in Chesterfield 011 Tuesday al 10.30 a. m. at the Congregational parish house to meet with church school teachers and parents. Miss Anderson helps the churches learn how to build better church schools. improve worship services and to become better acquainted with the overseas work of the Congregational Christian Churches.

She travels in an especially equipped station wagon named Pilgrim Circuit Rider" which is her home. her church. and her study. It is built with an office. display cases and a variety of materials on the church and its mission.

First Church Notes Rev. Robert 0 Barber will preach 011 the depised" at 11 A. 01. worship service Sunday. The junior choir will sing.

The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed and Herbert Haskell will read the serinture lesson. Sunday School will be in session at 11. The Ivlanders youth fellow ship will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sena Sunday evening at 7.30 for a program which will he followed by games and refreshments.

The Junior Crusaders will meet at 7.30 at the church. Mrs. C. Raymond Magargal is in charge of transportation special lenten service at the First Congregational Church in Chesterfield Sunday evening at 8 when Rev. Philip 11.

Steinmetz will bring the message. The Ivlanders Adult Basketball eam will play a team in Williamshurg Sunday afternoon at 2 at the Anne T. Dunphy School. Hillside Pomona Grange will meet in this town Nondav with supper in Town 6.30. followed by the meeting at S.

This will be home community service night and the program will include a fair exchange. 'The Hvlander basketball team will sponsor a dance Saturday evening in Town Hall with the Westfield River Boys furnishing the music. Proceeds will gO toward the uniform fund. BEEF PORK LAMB VEAL MEAT LAND 30 EASTERN AVE. 585 COLUMBUS AVE.





4 FRI. SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. A.M. to 9 P.

9 7 AT HADLEYS OUTLET ONLY BIG BEDDING BUY PRESENTS 14 PIECE SOLID MAPLE BUNK BED GROUP BLANDFORD Get Two Wildcats Get Two Blandford. March 2-Two wildcats, shot about two hours apart. were brought home today by Herbert Hart, his son. Dick, and John Cadwell. One cat weighed 25 pounds, the other 15.

and both were shot in nigg*r Hill region, in North Blandford. This makes five cats the trio shot this winter. Warren McGranahan, managing director of the Westfield River Watershed Association, and Robert Mason will take the Boy Scouts on A trip Saturday to set out wood duck boxes. menus next 14 ock AlC: Monday, mashed potatoes, grilled frankforts. in bun, green beans, stowed tomatoes, apple roll with sauce, nulk; Tuesday, vegetable beef stow, peanut butter sandwiches.

jello. cookies, milk: Wednesday. grilled cheese sandwiches, potato and egg salad. cabbage salad. coltage pudding, raspberry sauce: Thursday.

Farmer Jones special. spiced pickled beets. buttered limas. bread and butter, poaches, milk; Friday, whipped potatoes, fish sticks, tartar sauce, mixed green bread and butter, squares, cheese, milk. Mrs.

Sophie Cadwell And two daughters were recent guests at the Karl Cadwell home on Russell Rd. PLANS BIG PAPER MILL Woodland, March 2 (A) The St. Crois Paper plans 10 break ground March 13 for the start of A 13-million-dollar Falos, and genexpansion program. Henry W'. eral manager, said the first GENUINE "RED 1 CA DEVIL ANTHRACITE (TRY A REAL TON) CALL RE 4-6441 Springfield AND OIL COAL Co.

structures will A paper chine building and A grinder building. First paper is export- ed 10 roll from the new chines in the late spring of 1957 -at the maximum rate of half a mile A minute. 8 the choir and the director of the Junior Choir. Mrs. Mangel, enjoys her work AS a reporter and finds it keeps her 111 close a contact with the activities in the 101 in which she has a keen interest.

HUNTINGTON Paper Company Promotes Two Huntington, March 2-Tuo local men connected with Russell mill of Westfield River Paper Co. have received promotions. Jo seph S. Glasing of Pleasant St. superintendent.

has been Adto assistant 10 the vicepresident. manufacturing. Mr. Glasing joined the company 111 1016 and became superintendent in 1945. He is a former selectman here and is married to the former Ann Nelson.

They have two children, Donald and Mrs. Jean WatsOn. Edwin A. Vassar of Stanton Ave. joined Westfield River in 1941.

In 1946 was given full responsibility for production and traffic. Ile has now been promoted to superintendent. The Vassars have a daughter, a student in the local school. The local extension group will hold a combination business and rug making meeting Wednesday at in Murrayfield cafeteria. Remaining projects for this vear lare children's clothing.

creative Istichery, and chair caning. Plans for nest will be discussed and refreshments served. Tuesday mi night. Any member willLegion Auviliary will meet ing to help at the food sale Monday is asked 10 contact any of the committee. Mrs.

Aileen Abbev. Mrs. Helyn Caron. Mrs. Eleanor Shepherd.

Mrs. Gertrude Reynolds or Mrs. Arline Webb. PTA executive committee will meet Tuesday at 8 at the home of Mrs. Floyd Graves.

transport Gen. W. Mitchell arrived here today with 1532 passengers from the Far East. The Frederick Funston is due tomorrow with 319 passengers. They are the week's only troopship arrivals here.

FROM THE FAR EAST Seattle, March (P--The Navy Up-Country Radio GREENFIELD. 1:40 KC SATURDAY 47 Farm Aour 6. 3.5 7.00 Weatherman Timetable Weather Nan 3 Timetab' a 4.3 County News 8.00 .00 15 Shelh. 8 30 S. Deerfield 13 Northtield 9.

0) News 9. 15 Air Newsp. 9 10 Revue 10. 10.03 Melody Time 10 30 NoTe 10.35 Meet Nary Music Tin 10.13 Stork Club Non 11.05 Br Force 11.20 Motor Vehicle 11.30 Musica! Wheel WARE. WARF, SATCRDAY 6.00 Sunny da 6.30 Local 6.31 Sunny da 6.51 Early Edit.

7.00 Weather 7.0. Sunny Side Driver' Seat Weather Man With Hos Your Account 10 News 8.13 Sunny AMP, NORTHAMPTON. 6.15 Sacred Heart 7.10 7.05 Montana Slim 7.20 Dawn Patrol 30 News AS Dann Patrol 7.50 Devotions 5.00 00 News 5.05 Darn Patrol News 0 1A Music Comedy 0.13 4'hurch of God 10.00 Na 10.05 Child Theat. 10.40 Record Room 11.141 a 11.05 Eddie Fisher Safety Lunch Music News Lunch Music Ext. Service 10.43 Local Nene N.

E. News 1.00 Navy Show complete 99.50 outfit Complete 67 No Money Down 3 DAYS ONLY THURS. FRI. and SAT. EASY CREDIT NO BANKS NO FINANCE CO.

PAY ONLY HADLEY'S OUTLET You Get: 2 BEDS, 2 MATTRESSES, 2 SPRINGS, 2 PILLOWS, A 2 CANNON BLANKETS, 2 CANNON SHEETS. 2 CANNON PILLOW CASES, LADDER and GUARD RAIL ALL 14 PIECES COMPLETE FREE PARKING AT MAIN MOTORS SIDE OF STORE FREE PARKING AT MAIN MOTORS SIDE OF STORE HADLEY'S OUTLET Greatest Bedding Smash! Imagine you get all 14 PIECES! Solid, solid maple bunk beds COMPLETE with 2 mattresses, 2 springs, 2 pillows, 2 "Cannon" blankets, 2 "Cannon" pillowcases, ladder and guard rail. Only at HADLEY'S OUTLET! SIMMONS HOLLYWOOD BED OUTFIT Reg. 69.95 $48 Amazing New Formula for PSORIASIS Scales must Disappear Spots Lighten OR NO COST No matter lang you've suffered, or how aggravated your case may be -try this newest, guaranteed medical discovery for ugly, scaly skin. Case aftor case reports tends to remove scaly crusts faster relief.

VITA A DERMA on outer skin layer, helping natural healing of spots. Nongreasy, non-toxic. Will not stain clothes or bedding. Thrill to the joy of a clear skin. AT NO COST TO YOU.

simply send name and address for complete information 011 how ou may try VITA -DERMA for two full works 011 positive guarantee of satisfaction or moncy back. R. E. QUINN Rm. 508.

1562 Main Springfield 12.00 Music Var. 1.10 Nene 1.15 1.47 a Mary 1.0 Mi: sic Time 2.141 Nan 015 To Re Ann. 30 Army Band 3 00 Jamboras 3.10 Sports Parade Serenade 4.03 5.0 Serenade 6 00 Yews 6.30 From Boston 6.45 Sportliz'it T. Question 7.31 Word of Lila 8.00 True Ar False 6.30 30 Caravan An I Ask You 30 Lombardoland 111. 11.01 Vent 11.15 Dance Time 1.50 RO 9 INI News 9.15 Radio Ranch 9.30 Baptist Hour 10.0) Music Show 12.00 Polka Party 1.01 1.11 1.4.

Football 4 1) 1250 Club 5.00 Frolics 6.00 1400 RC SATURDAY 1.15 To Veterans 1.30 Mat res 2.00 Nan 2.05 Varieties 3.00 News 3.03 140) Club 4.01) News 4.03 140 Club 5.00 5.05 1400 Club 5.45 Country Time 6.01 Nen a 6.05 N. E. Newe 8 10 Weather 6.13 Dinner Music 7.0. Sport 7.30 Proudly Hail 8 News 8.0.3 Campus Fav. P.IN) A.

Campus Fav. 10.00 () News 10.05 Camp as Fav. 10.13 YOU GET: Headboard Box, Spring Innerspring Mattress Set of Legs NO MONEY DOWN TWIN SIZE ONLY EASY, EASY TERMS CONS OPEN THURSDAY HADLEY'S OPEN SATURDAY 9 A.M. To 9 P.M. 9 A.M.


The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.